Super Blood Wolf Moon

Sunday, January 20, 2019

My unproductive fishing trip earlier today could be blamed on the Super Blood Wolf Moon and partial eclipse we will be experiencing this evening; at least that's my excuse!

We know that the moon directly effects fishing and this once in a decade event probably has some effect on why fish act like they do.  Anyway, I am hoping to get some pics of the event this evening.

The Super Blood Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse should start to be visible around 8:00 pm January 20 through the wee hours of Monday morning January 21.

In our area of East Central Florida, we will be able to view it in it's entirety if you care to stay awake until 4:48 am.  

The outer part of the Earth's shadow will begin to cross the face of the Moon at 11.36pm local time.

The Moon should start to turn red when the partial eclipse starts at 12.33 am.

The total lunar eclipse (when the Moon is completely in the shadow of the Sun) lasts from 1:41 pm to 2:43 am Monday morning, January 21, 2019.

Barring any clouds, the Moon should turn a red to reddish orange color, which is why it is named a Super Blood Wolf Moon.

At around 6:00 pm it looked like this as we headed home from Haulover Canal.

The Moon is as closest to Earth this evening which makes it look so much larger, i.e. the name Super Moon.

The Blood Moon part is because of the color during the lunar eclipse.

I was told that the Wolf Moon part of the name was given because Wolves mate during January and become more vocal at this time.  Sounds reasonable, but I don't know for sure.  

I haven't heard any wolves around here lately.

The moon at 12:27 am to 12:30 am.

The moon from 6:00 pm on 1/20/2019 till 1:48 am 1/21/2019

At 2:00 am I had to hit the sac but I managed to add these videos of the eclipse.
A bit shaky, but what the heck.

Till next time
Tight Lines