Reds On The Mud Flats

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

I finally got a chance to take Odie for a ride around Gator Creek Road and was surprised to find reds on the mud flats along the west side of the unimproved road. We left the house around 4:00 pm and found several people setting up their cameras with telescopic lenses on the bridge apparently waiting for the Space X launch that was later scrubbed.  

A large plane that was apparently affiliated with the launch was circling the space center several times before leaving the area.

I have not been in the area for about a month so I stopped to talk to a couple of anglers to see if they were fishing or actually catching.

The first guy I had a conversation with had three rods out of the back of his pickup and was sitting on the tailgate waiting for a bite.

He was fishing the shallow mud flats which were now flooded using shrimp for bait.

He said he hadn't caught anything yet but did catch three slot redfish the prior day.

We shot the bull awhile and I left when Odie started to get anxious about getting out.

We drove along the road and spotted three other parties with lines out on both sides of the road but nobody seemed to be catching anything.

The air temp was in the low 60s and a good breeze was making it seem colder.  I had on shorts like a fool and only stopped a couple of times to toss a Chug Bug and a Cream Spoiler Shad around.  Nothing was interested and neither was I.  

Next time I take a ride with Odie, I'll dress for the weather.

After circling Catfish Creek Loop and exiting via East Gator Creek, I decided that the fishing would have been much better using live baits on the mud flats.

Till next time,
Tight Lines.