Shrimping Report For 11-21-2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Here is the most current shrimping report for 11-21-2012.

The "die hard" shrimpers were out on both fishing piers this evening and some of them were doing quite well, especially from the upper fishing pier.

I was sick with the flu for the past few days and finally couldn't stand being in the house anymore so I put on my "hoodie" and headed for the fishing piers under the new Max Brewer Causeway Bridge in Titusville.

When I got to the area a guitarist was playing solo for a small crowd of party goers who all seemed to be enjoying the evening and their adult beverages.

There was a brisk wind blowing across the Indian River and it was quite chilly.  The shrimpers who were on the piers were all wearing heavy clothing while hanging over the rails looking for their quarry.

I spoke with a couple of guys on the lower pier who didn't seem to be doing much however, it didn't seem to dampen their spirits a bit.

One shrimper had about a dozen shrimp on the bottom of his 5 gallon bucket and another guy I talked to had a few less.  Nothing outstanding for this time of year to say the least.

I took a few pics of the crew and moved on to the upper fishing pier to see how they were doing this evening.

The upper pier was entirely different from what I saw on the lower pier.

These guys were netting more shrimp, although not in the quantities one comes to expect from this area of Florida.

I talked to a couple of guys who were just setting up who were so busy netting shrimp, they looked like they didn't have time to set out all their shrimp lights.

During the brief time I was on the upper fishing pier, the guy I was talking to netted at least a dozen shrimp.  A few were in the "jumbo" category.

The shrimper I spent most of my time with said that this was only the second time he tried shrimping.  His net was obviously brand new, but he knew how to spot and net shrimp.

The air temperature this evening was in the lower 60s and dropping, and the water temperature, according to one of the "die hard" shrimpers was a "perfect" 66 degrees.

He evidently thought that this was the optimum water temperature for the shrimping to pick up and I didn't know enough about it to argue the point.

I walked both piers and saw a couple of guys fishing but they were only picking up small undersize sea trout.

I was still feeling crappy so I decided to head for home before I picked up a case of pneumonia on top of the flu.

I compiled this video of the action, or lack of it, during the time I was there.

Everyone I spoke with said the shrimping should get better as the month progresses and the temperature drops.  We shall see!

Till next time, Tight Lines!