Space X Night Shot

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Went down to the fishing pier around 9:00 pm to see what was happening and was told that another Space X night shot was going off shortly, so I moved across the bridge to hopefully get a decent video of the launch.

At the bridge, I was assaulted by a group of marauding coons that were looking for a free handout.

I took a short video of the group of coons before scaring them off and was going to wet a line before takeoff, but a couple from France said that the launch was rescheduled in a couple of minutes.

I put away my rod and took this video of the launch before heading home.

I was going to toss a Chug Bug around for a while along the shoreline for a wandering sea trout but it was getting late, so I decided to try tomorrow night instead.

Till next time,
Tight Lines