Windboarding and Windsurfing the Indian River Lagoon

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Today was a great day for Windboarding and Windsurfing the Indian River Lagoon.  Not so great for fishing!

I've been going nuts with my Internet service provider and Google trying to clean up two of my websites which were hacked into last week.  Every time I clean the site and databases, the hacker gets back in and screws everything up again.

Anyway, I had to get out of the house and go fishing despite the windy conditions.

The windboarders and windsurfers were having a blast on the north side of the Indian River lagoon as you can see by the video below.

I was going to take out my flats boat this morning but the wind killed that idea, so I packed three of my rods and headed for the refuge.

As soon as I crossed the bridge I knew it was going to be a challenging day fishing!

Since it was already about 3:30 pm before I got out, I headed for the closest area and headed for a couple of sheltered spots in the marsh canals.

There were a surprising number of visitors enjoying the birds and gators.

When the roseate spoonbills are in the marsh, everybody gets into taking pictures.  Who can blame them!  They are beautiful birds.

I started out casting my favorite gold Bagley spoon but soon gave up on it.

The spoon was too light and just skipped over the surface with the majority of retrieves.

I changed over to a D.O.A. TerrorEyz Fishing Lure - 3" - Clear Gold Black - Lures that I use when I take the boat out.  The lure is deadly to sea trout and moderately effective on reds.

I had several "taps" but no hookups until I hit a calm spot next to a small pond area.

My first cast with the Terroreyz got blasted by a ladyfish that thought it was a tarpon.

The fish tore up and down the narrow canal and got tangled in the brush twice before I finally landed the fish.

I took it's picture and released the fish to grow a little bit bigger.  You normally don't catch them that big in the canals.


A couple of fishermen in a pickup stopped to ask me how I was doing as they were passing me.

When I asked them how they were making out, they said they caught around 30 sea trout on plastic jigs on the Indian River side of the road near the culverts at Peacocks Pocket kayak launch.

I didn't believe a word of what they said and continued fishing the areas I knew were productive.

The area that they mentioned is good for sea trout but with the wind coming in from the direction it was, the fish would be farther out.

I spotted two redfish tailing but they weren't interested in any of my baits.  I missed two more sea trout and finally gave up on the idea of catching a redfish today.

I was wearing shorts and the temperature was an actual 62 degrees but it felt much colder in the wind.

I took some pictures of the roseate spoonbills and a large gator before I decided to get back to the house and continue deleting infected files from my website folders.


I'd love to get my hands around the ass*** who did the deed!

Anyway, the windy conditions made windboarding and windsurfing the Indian River Lagoon a great day for a lot of wet suited people today.

 Till next time.  Tight Lines.