Post Thanksgiving Day Shrimping

Friday, November 25, 2011

Shrimping on the new fishing pier this evening reflects the fact that it's the day after Thanksgiving.

Post Thanksgiving Day shrimping was as I expected.

There were only a few shrimpers out this evening and from what everyone was telling me the shrimping wasn't all that great.

I got to the fishing pier on the Indian River Lagoon at about 10:00 p.m. and only stayed long enough to get a shrimping report.

On the day after Thanksgiving, everyone stays home with their family and this evening was no exception.

The shrimp that were caught were medium to jumbo in size and everyone I spoke with had some in their buckets.

No one this evening had underwater lighting arrays set up and the people shrimping this evening were evidently "newbies" to sport shrimping.

I personally believe that the underwater lighting they were using  could have been the reason for the poor results.

Everybody I talked to had above water incandescent lights taped to the rails, which really didn't light up the water column enough to spot or attract the shrimp.

There were large shrimp jumping out of the water on a regular basis, evidently being chased by sea trout and as I was leaving for home the activity seemed to be picking up.

There were at least a dozen shrimp caught while I was taking these pictures.

I suspect that a lot more shrimp would have been caught if the shrimpers would have been using the underwater 1000 to 3000 lumens colored shrimp lights that the regulars use.

In any event, it was a nice evening on the pier.

Many of my subscribers have asked about where they can purchase underwater lighting for fishing or shrimping.  

The link below will take you to some videos of different types of lighting that the shrimpers in this area use on the fishing piers.

You could also use these lights from your boat to really light up the water column.  They would be great in Haulover Canal.

Didn't get to go fishing today, but I hope to wet a line tomorrow.

Till then, Tight Lines!