New Fishng Pier In Titusville, Fl

Friday, July 9, 2010

The fishing pier that has been under construction for the past year or so, is finally complete and open for business.

Unlike it's wooden predecessor, the concrete pier is well lit and has electrical outlets available for shrimpers or fishermen to use for underwater lighting.

The concession stand and bait house were both crowded with visitors and fishermen when these photos were taken.

As of yesterday evening, the pier appears to be "the place to be" on a hot Saturday evening if the lack of parking space is any indication of popularity. Cars were lined up on both sides of the causeway and legitimate parking spaces were nonexistent.

The people I spoke with who were actually fishing were just having a good time and didn't seem to care whether or not they caught anything.

The only fish I saw caught were a few small undersized sea trout and several plump catfish.

One gentleman said the drum were biting later on in the evening on cut bait and dead shrimp.

Enjoy the pics and stop by if you get the urge to "pop a top", grab a bite to eat, and try your luck fishing the Indian River.

Tight Lines!