Indian River Parasailing

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The wind gusts today were over 30 mph in areas, which proved to be challenging to say the least, for any decent fishing.

My wife, our wonder dog Elmo, and yours truly braved the wind, like the idiots we are, to catch a fish or two. Unfortunately, today the fish didn't particularly care to be caught!

I fished a DOA Paddle tail watermelon color bait, gold spoons, surface lures, and only got two hits from trout on a redfish ripper gold spoon.

The wind was brutal in the Merritt Island National Wildlife Preserve drive, but even with the windy conditions there was a good bit of vehicle traffic.

At our first stop, I was pleasantly surprised to run into our cardiologist, David McMahon and his family. It's not every day that someone calls me by my name in that area, but he and his family were enjoying the scenery as were most of the other people we encountered.

No one appeared to be catching anything but 'hard head' catfish, including ourselves.

My wife caught two cats in 'bobcat bay', and I also gave up the lures and caught one on a dead shrimp, just to report that I didn't get skunked!

There were tons of dead puffers washed up on shore by the wind and several nice sized trout in the Wildlife Preserve area. Apparent victims of the cold snap of the last few weeks.

The weather was exceptional for the parasail enthusiasts, and I couldn't resist taking a couple flicks for you to check out.

Hope you enjoy them, and until next time; Tight Lines!