Oversized February Redfish

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The back roads on the Space Coast often yield oversized February Redfish like the one pictured below to the right.

This one was caught by my wife with dead bait on a Cajun Thunder setup.

The red fish was caught in the canal opposite the river in the preserve area where no one usually fishes.

In the spring, especially, the reds come into extremely shallow waters to chow down on the multitude of mud minnows and small fry located there.

On this day, Karen caught and released two oversize reds both of which were over 29 inches.

I was too busy taking pics of the roseatte spoonbills; at least that's the excuse I used today, to get any fishing accomplished.

Early spring is great fishing on the Space Coast.

Till next time,

Tight Lines.

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