A Nice Sunday For Sea Trout Fishing

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

It was a great Sunday for Sea Trout fishing.  The temperature was in the low 80s, there was tolerable breeze blowing, and there wasn't a rain cloud in site.

When I got back to town this weekend, I planned on hitting the wildlife refuge but until Sunday afternoon, I never got a chance to wet a line.

I packed up Elmo and Odie along with a few mud minnows and several rods and we headed out to Peacocks Pocket road to scout out the area.

There were a lot of visitors in the refuge who were enjoying the wildlife and only a few fishermen.

When I drove into the refuge, the usually array of coots, storks, etc. were out in force. 

I immediately spotted a few gators who seemed overly aggressive, no doubt because it is mating season.

Needless to say, I took some pics along with everyone else.

As I slowly drove along the marsh canal along Peacocks Pocket Road looking for some sign of sea trout, I spotted several large soft shell turtles cruising the area.

This one was slow enough for me to take a short video.

Elmo and Odie were enjoying the ride and I really didn't care if I caught anything today so I just kept taking pictures of the area.

When I finally spotted a swirl along the bank, I stopped to flip out a gold Johnson Sprite spoon.  Something tapped the lure but after several casts I moved on to another area where I hooked into a keeper sea trout.

The fish was in the slot but I released it to fight another day.  I didn't really feel like cleaning fish today.

I was expecting to pick up at least a couple more fish but that was the only trout I caught all day.

I switched to a topwater "walk the dog" bait but after wearing out my casting arm, I finally gave up and called it a day.

As we were leaving the refuge, I stopped to talk to a couple of groups of fishermen to see if they were fishing or "catching".  Both groups I talked to were fishing with shrimp and were not having much luck.

Anyway, I forgot to bring along water for my dogs and they were panting like crazy, so I decided to head for the house and come back during the middle of  the week to try my luck again.

Till next time, Tight Lines.