Catfish Creek Sea Trout

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Except for the day before New Years, my wife and I didn't get much fishing in so, this afternoon, Karen and I decided to take Elmo and Odie fishing at Catfish Creek.

Catfish Creek sea trout are smaller than what I normally catch around Peacocks Pocket Road but since that area is still closed, we had to make do with what was readily available.

We loaded up the dogs, several fishing rods and headed to Captain Hooks Bait Shop on Garden St. to pick up some live medium sized shrimp for bait.  Because it was late in the afternoon,  I only picked up a dozen and headed out to find a spot where we could fish and still keep a tight leash on the dogs.

Most of the spots were already taken when we got to the area but we managed to find one spot on a shallow point to set up our rods.

I baited all the rods with live shrimp on standard sliding sinker rigs and sat down to wait.

Karen got the first bite and landed an undersize sea trout which we promptly released. 


I got two sea trout about the same size on live shrimp on two other rods I had set out.  Both were undersize and released to grow up.

In the next hour Karen and I caught six undersize sea trout on live shrimp, a large hard head catfish that Karen caught, and an undersize "rat" redfish that I caught.

We didn't get out on the water this afternoon until around 4:00 pm, and by 5:15 pm the sea trout bite stopped entirely. 

As it was getting dark, I started pitching a gold Johnson's Sprite spoon and missed another redfish on the third cast.  A couple casts later I picked up another juvenile sea trout that was a hair longer than the spoon I was using for bait.

The mosquitoes were getting nasty so when it got too dark to tie on a hook that I lost, we decided to head for home.

It was a beautiful afternoon on the Indian River and Elmo, Odie, Karen and I had a good time. 

We certainly didn't catch anything to write home about, but the action was steady all evening.  Anyway, we got to enjoy the awesome sunset on the river.

Till next time, Tight Lines.

Captain Hooks on Garden Street
Captain Hooks on Garden Street
Captain Hooks on Garden Street
Captain Hooks on Garden Street


Unknown said...

Hi, this is Craig and Mary. Saw your last blog, kind of small compared to what we have been catching :) Mary caught at 42 inch, 31 lb red fish this weekend a little further north of Haulover canal. We were in the canoe and we were dragged over 100 yards!

We would love to share pictures of our big red and trout we are catching, let us know how to email or post them to your website

John Neila said...

Email me your pics and I will post them online.

Send them to along with info about where fish was caught, bait used, etc.

Tight Lines.