Peacocks Pocket Road Closure

Friday, September 5, 2014

There was an unexpected Peacocks Pocket Road closure this afternoon that kind of bummed me out.

When I got home from work late this afternoon, I immediately packed some rods into the truck and headed to the river to get in some fishing. 

Unfortunately, Peacocks Pocket Road was closed for repairs.

I know those of you who fish the area are well aware of the deep potholes that pock mark the road and evidently the powers that be have decided to do some repairs. 

Personally, I like the potholes.  They serve as "speed bumps" that slow down some of the idiots that run through the area. 

In any event, the Peacocks Pocket Road closure along with the severe thunderstorm activity put a monkey wrench in my fishing plans.

Although it was raining "cats and dogs" I decided to try some other spots before it got too dark. 

I briefly stopped by the Boy Scouts camping grounds but I didn't get a chance to fish the area.  A large gator was in a puddle in the middle of the unimproved road and it would not move. 

I decided to let the gator have the puddle.  I turned around and headed for Patillo Creek Road.
As I headed out of the camping grounds, I spotted a couple of wild turkeys in the field that started coming towards my truck but then turned and headed the other direction.

The rain again started to come down in buckets, this time much harder than when I first left the house. 

By the time I slowly drove to the dead end of Patillo Creek, the storm caused the air temperature to drop into the low 70s.  Despite the bad weather, I decided to stop and wet a line.  

This area has always been relatively unproductive for me but since it was raining, I decided to toss a Chug Bug around the mangrove shoreline to see if I could stir up a sea trout or a Snook.

As I was casting the Chug Bug, I spotted several small Tarpon rolling on the surface at the junction of the creek and the shallow pond adjacent to it.  The fish were all about 3 to 4 feet in length and would have been a  lot of fun if I could have gotten a hookup.

I made numerous casts to the fish but none of the Tarpon showed any interest in the lure, so I moved down to fish another area where I sometimes see some nice sea trout.

The rain continued to come down harder and the lightning forced me to stay in the truck until it slowed down enough to fish.

My Frog Toggs saved the day with the rain, but was no defense to a lightning strike.

When it slowed down again I started casting across the canal to the opposite bank and after the fourth or fifth cast, a nice sea trout busted on the Chug Bug but didn't get hooked.

Several casts in the same area didn't get me another hit so when the rain started up again, I decided to head for the house.

I like fishing the fronts during rainstorms, but today I just wasn't in the mood to get hit by lightning.

Hopefully, I'll get another chance to fish tomorrow.

Till then, Tight Lines.