Shuttle Launch Sport Shrimping

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The space shuttle Discovery launched this evening on the Space Coast without a hitch and as usual for evening missions, lit up the Indian River as the shrimpers were assembling their long handled shrimp nets.

I didn't bring my camera for any new pics, however I took the opportunity to ask several shrimpers about their activities.

The gent's I spoke with all said about the same thing. The shrimp were definately running and they were huge. One gent said he dipped 250 shrimp "the other night" and they were all from 6" to 10" long.

The other guys said about the same thing but with differing quantities. Everyone else I spoke with also said the shrimp they caught were over 6 inches long.

If there wasn't so much traffic right now down by the river, I'd consider bring my old net and a couple of lights and give it a try. Seven or eight shrimp would just about do me for a good dinner.

Well maybe next week.

Tight lines and heavy shrimp buckets to all!