Haulover Canal Manatees

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A windy day on the Mosquito Lagoon didn't make for much fun fishing. Coming back from the Lagoon we decided to check out the Haulover Canal area for some possible action.

Unfortunately, the current in the canal was moving pretty fast and my wife and I were not really prepared for that kind of fishing. It probably would have taken at least a 4 oz. sinker to hold bottom, and with the light spinning gear we brought, it was almost impossible to chuck a sinker out that far without busting the 10 lb. lines we were using.

My wife and I drove to the boat launch and were pleased to see at least 20 manatee munching on the sea grasses found there. The weather was cooling down and the manatee were congregating around the seawall and walkway next to the ramp.

Several were sporting prop wounds on their tails and one on it's back. Unfortunately not everyone heeds the slow motor, no wake zone in and around the canal. These were the lucky ones. Every year thoughtless boaters run across the backs of these gentle creatures.

Till next time, tight lines!